This educational track provides an in depth review of the tools and technologies to enable high-risk PCI, with a focus on features, benefits and comparisons. Clinical data to support complete revascularization is reviewed, and multiple high-risk PCI cases utilizing the tools and technologies are highlighted.

Coming Soon

Optimizing Patient Outcomes Through Complete Revascularization
This course builds on the patient selection module and discusses the cli...

Coming Soon

Techniques for Treating Complex Lesion Subsets Part I
This course shares best practice techniques for treating complex lesions...

Coming Soon

Advanced Tools and Technologies Part I
This course reviews the myriad of advanced tools and technologies curren...

Coming Soon

Techniques Part II:  What Procedure is Best for Anatomic Subsets?
This course is Part II of High-Risk Techniques and focuses on which proc...
Advanced Tools and Technologies Part II:  Features, Benefits, Comparisons
This course provides a more in depth review of the tools and technologie...

Coming Soon

Tools and techniques for treating complex and high-risk patients | Case Based Review
This course will highlight case demonstrations of high-risk procedures a...

Coming Soon

Review and Analysis of the 2020 SCAI Guidance Update for Optimal PCI Therapy in Patients with Complex Coronary Artery Disease
This course provides a review and analysis of the 2020 SCAI Guidance Upd...

Coming Soon

Shockwave Use in Coronaries: MCS Supported HRPCI
This course provides an update on the new indication for Shockwave use f...