These courses focus on patient management of patients supported with MCS, to include access site bleeding prevention and complication management, anticoagulation best practices, vent management, and weaning. Also reviewed are markers for right heart failure and escalation and related best practices for transferring patients.
Access Site Bleeding Prevention and Complication Management
This course summarizes key lessons in large bore access and closure, foc...
Blood Compatibility | Hemolysis
This course discusses hemolysis biomarkers, defines minor and major hemo...
Introduction to Blood Compatibility with Impella
This course outlines the basic principles of blood compatibility and hem...

Coming Soon

Right Heart Faliure & Escalation
This course focuses on right ventricular failure in AMI Cardiogenic Shoc...
Patient Management | Escalation
This course discusses important patient management considerations and he...
Transport Best Practices
This course provides an overview of the hospital capabilities needed whe...
Case Presentations from Tufts | Cardiogenic Shock Transfers
This course presents a cardiogenic shock patient transfer within the Tuf...