This Thursday Night Live event highlights the implications of the DanGer Shock randomized controlled trial (RCT) for community and academic centers in the United States. Mitul Patel, MD, briefly compares DanGer Shock to other landmark clinical trials in acute myocardial infarction cardiogenic shock (AMICS) and provides perspective on the trial’s survival number needed to treat (NNT) compared to other studies. Alexander Truesdell, MD, discusses cardiogenic shock (CS) teams and how they fit with the new data from the DanGer Shock trial. He describes how shock teams are activated and coordinated at his institution, he summarizes, “act fast, phenotype and stage, reassess and escalate. More time in shock increases mortality.” Katherine Kunkel, MD, discusses how best practices, including strategies for vascular access and closure, can improve patient outcomes and reduce some of the adverse events seen in the Impella arm of DanGer Shock. In the Q&A session that follows the presentations, the physicians discuss topics ranging from changes they have seen in Impella use since publication of the DanGer Shock data to anticoagulation management and escalation strategies.

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